Tuesday 6 December 2016

Day One - Post Two

When studying for an exam, you can always find something else to do. I, am one of those persons. Literally, at this moment, I have three exams to study for, and I can find everything else to do but that. My friends are all the same, and I think we'll be in some serious trouble due to that.

As of tomorrow morning, I will officially know at least two things for my I.T exam, the most, hopefully.

To be honest, if I learn at least one thing before going to bed tonight, I'll be the happiest teenager on the planet. I literally have the books opened around me, and we're in competition to see whether or not I'll read them, or they'll read me.
Now, if they actually began reading me, then I would definitely study from them, no lie. I mean, having a book, or anything, that's not alive... Having anything talk to you that's not human and you can understand them, I would find some way to have the deepest life conversation with whatever it may be.

Many people will now know that I have lost all proper sense and my high school has damaged me. Shout out to prison (my high school), and all my fellow cellmates (class and schoolmates).
xoxo Jhen

Day One

So... Today's the first day of this blog, and, as the title states, I'm a Realist. This doesn't mean anything really, just that, I don't conform. I see the truth and I don't ignore but I don't accept. Unfortunately, this causes immense problems at school.

High School
If anyone was trying to come up with the perfect word to describe placing completely in-socialistic children in one place and asking them to destroy one another, then you have discovered high school. My high school in particular is one of the worst. Unfortunately, that is overlooked by its academic standard.
The funny thing with this though, is that, due to the fact that we attend a specific school, adults think they can say whatever they feel and we shouldn't respond. The only flaw in this, is the fact that we live in Jamaica. I'm not trying to discredit the country I live in, but, to be honest, we have some persons with disgusting attitudes.

Growing up, I've noticed that people have always thought that teenagers are still children who don't, or shouldn't, have a say in anything relating to their lives and future. The problem with this, is that everyone is now linked to social media, we all need to be in control of whatever we do, and whatever we say. If we start this, then what's to stop us from becoming better persons in the society, and you know, creating a better society. Okay... I admit that sounded completely cheesy and like I was a spokesperson for world peace. I hate those people, mostly because I don't believe half of them give a damn about world peace.

Maybe, like many have said to me, I'm here to make a change. Who knows? If that's the truth, then, let the games begin.
xoxo Jhen
P.S - don't mind the fact that this is the first blog I've ever written. Note today's caption